-117 ON TOP!! Thanks
Fishhead Active member Joined Oct 20, 1999 Messages 75,444 Tokens May 8, 2003 #1 -117 ON TOP!! Thanks
jjgold New member Joined Jul 20, 2002 Messages 10,363 Tokens May 8, 2003 #2 Is this a pick?? Asking because I have made solid cash from your plays through the years only to lose it back and more with my own material. I do not see you giving plays anymore
Is this a pick?? Asking because I have made solid cash from your plays through the years only to lose it back and more with my own material. I do not see you giving plays anymore
Fishhead Active member Joined Oct 20, 1999 Messages 75,444 Tokens May 8, 2003 #3 No, I just had a sudden flashback to my days as a lines manager. Sorry for the confusion. I need counseling I believe.
No, I just had a sudden flashback to my days as a lines manager. Sorry for the confusion. I need counseling I believe.